

Barbara Snow

Mystical author who shares her adventures and stories.

The New(s) and the Good: September 2023 Edition

""The first printing (200 copies) of the Shuar book is now in the hands of its author, Anita Sharian. The Spanish version of “The Three Most Significant Myths of the Shuar” turned out beautifully. The cover by Stacy Sowers of Author’s Mojo pops. The layout includes lovely, sketch-like drawings photoshopped for black and white printing from actual photos of Anita’s dancers performing their traditional activities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igGZFDR49TUWatch these beautiful, athletic performers in colorful native costumes dance the stories. We will soon have the Shuar-English version ready to print and to upload to Amazon. 

This is an important milestone. Every language has its frequency and the structure of the language trains the thinking of whoever uses it to communicate. It organizes the flow and therefore the impact of thought. Occasionally my Spanish teacher Laura looks thoughtful as she explains, “We don’t say it that way.” Think about the flow of Spanish and the order of German. It felt urgent to me to have the Shuar language and their consciousness anchored in our collective consciousness.

I have deep respect for the Shuar, as I do for all indigenous peoples still embodying the best parts of their dying cultures. I especially respect those who fight diligently to protect the wildlands that the Machine is trying so hard to destroy. We were all indigenous once. We were all enslaved once. Slavery looks different now, but it still steals your life force for someone else’s benefit. I’m honored to bring more attention and support to these amazing people. https://www.facebook.com/ficshpodershuar

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