In the beginning was the Word…
From the time I learned how words string together to give meaning, I always turned to stories to learn how to navigate life. Growing up in Texas, I was equally a cowgirl and an Indian, always in love with the natural world and especially animals. Most often barefoot and climbing trees, I always felt safe outdoors, no matter where I was – on my Grandmother’s farm in Yoakum, at my paternal grandparents’ manse in Austin <PawPaw was a Presbyterian minister>, or running around the neighborhood in Houston. When I couldn’t be in the outdoors, I was reading about it and all the beings who live there. I was in love with The Black Stallion, My Friend Flicka, Big Red, Old Yeller, The Call of the Wild – you name it.
Reading is shamanic and multidimensional.
Imagination is the birthplace of creativity – because imagination is our direct connection with Divine Source, with whom we constantly co-create reality. Our lives change when we get new information or a perceptual shift that validates a different perspective – a different story. Immersing ourselves in stories teaches us, disturbs our comfort, comforts us and expands our thinking. Stories show us who we are, how to heal our boo boos and our mortal wounds, and how to grow into who we want to be. Stories are magic disguised as entertainment and education offered as fun.
I came to the study of Andean shamanism during a time in my life when everything had fallen apart. A lifelong mystic, I was so hurt and angry with everything that I felt had failed to protect and sustain me that I opened to mystical practices that took me beyond my prejudices – while reaffirming the truths and exposing the untruths of my past. Shamanism is Home for me. I love the dance of cause and effect in this world where everything is alive. It’s magical and powerful and endlessly expansive. When everything in the multiverse talks to you, you know more about your place in the scheme of things. You are part of All That Is and the possible stories for your life get more exciting.
Stories are alternate realities…
which makes writing stories a shamanic activity – another reason writing is my primary art form. << I also sketch, paint, play my medicine drum and flute, and sing Sanskrit chants >> In my stories I get to create beings wiser and funnier than I am and see things through their eyes. I get to explore relating to all kinds of other beings, charming or ugly, which shows me things about myself that I never suspected. I get to have adventures, to see how my beingness reacts or responds in imaginal situations. There is soooo much information there. Plus, sometimes writing the story keeps me from having to live some of the…er…less desirable consequences of certain behaviors.
In my books…
you meet real people struggling to make sense of life just like you are, especially the changes and revelations of pivotal times such as these. I write from firsthand experience about the effort and the rewards required for a human being to live in alignment with their true self. Your integrity is so worth the work. You think more clearly, relax into trusting yourself, and enjoy flowing with synchronicity. You learn to receive the good stuff Life wants to give you. Come. Meet some really cool folks who have made the journey you’re on and are happy to share how it worked for them.
If you want more magic…
simply ask for it – then accept it. Adventure? Romance? Pleasure? Yep. You have lots of reading choices from my imagination to yours and more arriving all the time. Talk about exploring far frontiers…
What would you like to explore?
Tell me about it. Often stories ready to be born tell themselves loud and clear to an interested party. A single thought can explode into a full-on adventure.
What do you think?
We’re all on the same path home to ourselves. It’s way more fun to do it together. Are you in?
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