The energy is moving again. I’ve said “yes” to fun. And complication. And the unknown. I’ve been painting for fun with friends. On Sunday mornings we savor an edible and play.
What colors call today? What texture – brush or palette knife? A lot of them turn out really rewarding.
This has both resurrected and rekindled me, and it seems to have opened a floodgate of long lost pleasures. Artistic endeavors claimed in a new way for a new season of life. A key component of lighting the consciousness is finding joy. My challenges to myself include being in a play and taking singing lessons — all of a sudden, things are flowing. Synchronicity is happening. I’ve jumped off a couple more cliffs and my adrenaline is pumping. I’m learning who this version of me is. I feel alive.
This is how we create a new reality. What’s new and good in your life?