

Barbara Snow

Mystical author who shares her adventures and stories.

Reflections Vol. 13: Love is an energy

Love is an energy. A state of being. The palpable vision of a Universe that adores you and waits for your command.

Don’t try to believe it. Let all the pain and disbelief be there. Work on that: identifying and releasing the thought forms and their secret stories that shape how you experience life. Love happens as you remember Who You Are. Ah, yes, I feel you, Beloved Source. I feel Your Presence in and around me. I think. I feel. Noticing. Questioning. Receiving. Thanking. Applauding.

Your process will be different – as it should be. Part of this process is to identify what’s real for You! Then honor that.

I share my process with you so that you can consider where yours is similar or different.

The point is, own who you are. The point is, love your Soul. Love yourSelf so deeply and fully t hat you relax and melt back into the Divine template.

Now is the perfect time to do it.

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